Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Couple Thoughts...

I just have a few short thoughts for today.

First, if I were to ask you to tell me, "Who are you without using your name (or anyone's name)?" What would your response be? I think I would say something about my schooling and maybe where I live. I'd probably mumble something about being a Christ Follower...and then quickly change to talking about my accomplishments, music, sports, art, etc. But honestly, have you thought about it lately? WHO are you?

Second, I'm reading a pretty great book about grace. The title pretty much sums it up. It's called, "What's So Amazing About Grace?" and is written by Philip Yancy. So far, I would recommend it. There's so much in it, I don't even know where to begin. But I'll include just a few thoughts from the book.

Grace costs nothing for the recipients but everything for the giver.

We do not have to achieve but merely follow. HE has already earned for us the costly victory of God's acceptance.

Wow! Isn't that just incredible!, for those of us who have chosen to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we are sons and daughters of the King of Kings! Sure, maybe we've heard that said a million times...but really, what does it mean? Well, first off, it means we are loved...beyond what we could dream or imagine. It also means that we have recieved grace...which, in turn, means we are no longer seen with all our wrongs, but when God looks at us, he sees beauty, purity, perfection...He sees His son, Jesus. Identity in Christ is something I'm sure we all struggle with. And there is just so much more I could say on the subject. But since my goal is to keep these posts most of the time somewhat short, I will end it now. But, don't be surprised if I come back to the topic oh so soon! :)

God bless you my friends!

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"
1 John 3:1a

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